by Kevin Asla
The player will travel through levels connected to a hub, collecting different abilities along the way. Returning to the hub after each level with a new ability will allow them to progress to the next level.
The hub will be a safe area for the player, will connect to all the levels and allow them to interact with NPCs.
The levels will stream seamlessly between the village and their respective areas. The levels will begin by focusing on one of the Player Abilities and increase in complexity as the player gains new abilities. The levels will be open environments, and hold secrets for players to find through exploration. The levels will be divided into exploration/platforming areas connected by combat encounters. There will be Multiple levels, one of which will be a boss arena. The player will face challenges that focus on one or more of the abilities.
The player will gain new abilities as they progress through each level. They will also be able to find items that improve stats.
The game will use a Lock and Key style progression system. Every level will be “locked” off and will require the player’s have the correct “key” to progress. In our game the Keys are abilities and the locks are challenges that can only be completed by the corresponding ability.
Movement: Player will have direct control over the character.
The player will be able to collect items.
Player will have to engage physically with enemies. They will also have a defensive manoeuvre.
Players will be able to jump and reach higher levels or cross gaps.
The player will be able to glide long/short distances.
The player will obtain the ability to grow platforms in designated areas.
Gnomeselot must go on a perilous journey to find the perfect flower to enchant Princess Gnomesefina and ask for her hand in marriage.
This is the core of our game. Once filled out they should never change or change very little. Use them as a reference throughout development.