Level Description Mechanics needed Conflicts Ability Unlocked Story Summary Location Flower Prize
Village (HUB)
This area is meant to act as a safe space for the player that they will return to after each level. Movement
Collectibles Basic Navigation None Gnomeselot talks to the Princess and is tasked with finding the perfect flower. He must do this in order to marry her. Garden Village None
Rose Garden (Level 1)
This level is meant to teach the player basic traversal and combat. Movement
Collectibles Ditch
Standard Enemy
Projectiles The player earns the ability to glide. The Rose Garden: Gnomeselot heads off to the Rose Garden because he believes that flower best represents his love. Upon returning to the Princess, she turn him down because, “roses are so cliché.” Rose Garden
This level is a giant mountain that the player must scale in order to reach the Rose at the top. Rose
Representing love & passion. A classic, but cliched. Surely you could find something more creative and personal… And lacking thorns.
Ranunculus Garden (Level 2)
This level is meant to teach the player on gliding, and challenge traversal and combat on an intermediate level. Movement
Glide Ditch
Standard Enemy
Large Gaps
Wind Tunnel Challenges
Combat with Obstacles
Projectiles The player earns the ability to toss seeds and create platforms. Ranunculus Garden: Dismayed, but not discouraged Gnomeselot heads off to find the Ranunculus because they symbolize charm and attractiveness. Which describes Gnomesefina perfectly! Upon returning to the Princess, she turns him down again. Ranunculus Garden Ranunculus
Representing attraction & charm. An unattractive name for an attractive flower with an attractive meaning.

| | Alstroemeria Garden (Level 3) | | | | | | | | | | This level is meant to teach the player how to plant seeds, and challenge their gliding ability on an intermediate level. While challenging their traversal and combat on an advanced level. | Movement Jumping Combat Collectibles Glide Planting | Ditch Ledge Standard Enemy Large Gaps Wind Tunnel Challenges Combat with Obstacles Springboards Seed Patches Projectiles | None | Alstroemeria Garden: How could Gnomeselot have failed again? After a long and hard thought, Gnomeselot knew that the Alstroemeria flower was the one. The beautiful blooms are often thought to represent mutual support. Which is clearly what the princess wants in a husband. | Alstroemeria Garden | Alstroemeria The alstroemeria flower has an array of meanings depending on the colour. But the beautiful blooms always connect to a similar meaning of friendship, love, strength and devotion. They're often thought to represent mutual support. | | Trollsifer’s Arena (Final Boss) | | | | | | | | | | This arena will test the player not only in combat but traversal as they put everything they’ve learned to the test. | Movement Jumping Combat Collectibles Glide Planting Boss | Ditch Ledge Standard Enemy Large Gaps Wind Tunnel Challenges Combat with Obstacles Springboards Seed Patches Projectiles | None | Sir Gnomeselot Heads off to face against Trollsifer after being told that he blackmailed the king into marrying off the princess to him. | Trollsifer’s Arena | None |